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National Association of University Women

Tallahassee Branch Chapter Organizer








Rev. Dr. Bernyce H. Clausell was born in Georgia, reared in New York and ministered in Florida for most of her life. She is affectionately known by a few other names; Tallahassee’s Mother Teresa, The State Mother of Prisons, The Reverend Mother, Pastor Emeritus, M’dear, Grand M’dear, Grandma Gar and Honey.


A ten flag birthday salute represents a chronology of her life. The U.S. flag represents her being an American born citizen while the flag of Georgia denotes her birth in Thomson, Georgia in 1916. The flag of New York represents her early rearing by her Aunt Mattie. The Christian Flag represents her surrender to Christ at an early age, and at age 16, professing that she would become a preacher someday. The flag of Florida represents her life after marriage to Rev. James Aaron Clausell. The flag of Florida A & M denotes her Bachelors and Masters degrees. The Calvary Baptist Church flag represents her being co-founder with her husband in 1958 and succeeding him as pastor in 1977. The flag of Mississippi denotes her famous pilgrimage to Tunica/Sugar Ditch, Mississippi to bring relief to that impoverished region. The flag of Tallahassee Community College represents her honorable recognition in their Black History calendar. The tenth flag, the birthday flag, currently represents 97 years of a precious life.


The Tallahassee Branch of the National Association of College Women was organized in February, 1957. During

this time, Rev. Bernyce H. Clausell was a local teacher who was inspired by Mrs. Lucinda Fox Ward, a relative and

friend of New York City, who was at the time the First Vice President of the national organization. As organizer and first president, Rev. Dr. Bernyce Clausell gave enthusiastic leadership to developing a program that would perpetuate the purposes as espoused by the National Association of University Women, and at the same time would fulfill a need for Black women of Tallahassee to be united and dedicated to constructive work in education, public and civic affairs, and human relations.


Rev. Bernyce Clausell is a staple, stalwart, steadfast and consummate community servant; she stands in the gap and trenches, puts herself on the line for mankind, while simultaneously proclaiming God’s goodness to humanity.

Clausell says of her calling, “God’s love and the love of people keep me working and preaching with vigor and

vitality. Love will always be my lifeline and my legacy.” These are the words of one extraordinary woman, a

nonagenarian, who departed from this world on June 29, 2015 at the age of 98.


Source: The Gospel Truth, March 2011






Rev. Dr. Bernyce H. Clausell,


Rev. Dr. Bernyce H. Clausell

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