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NAUW Mission Statement and Purposes


Mission Statement

The mission of the National Association of University Women is to serve women, youth and the disadvantaged in our communities and in developing countries by addressing educational issues, advancing the status of women's issues, and strategically partnering with allied organizations.



  • To sponsor, promote and enthusiastically conduct educational activities that are designed to provide community outreach services to learners at every level of development;

  • To provide assistance to those who have not completed their education and need basic skills necessary to function effectively in society;

  •  To work with educational institutions and other organizations to improve educational standards and foster academic and intellectual attainment;

  •  To sponsor and conduct conferences and seminars that will allow us to achieve and advance organizational goals;

  •  To collaborate with other organizations and agencies that are concerned with community and world problems which include chronic health conditions like HIV/Aids, heart disease, diabetes, stroke and cancer;

  •  To promote improvement in education, and when appropriate, issue public statements concerning the quality of education;

  •  To develop and sponsor research programs  pertaining to the standards and quality of higher learning;

  •  To provide fellowships, grants and/or scholarships for undergraduate, graduate and doctoral studies;

  •  To publish, sponsor and disseminate literature and materials pertaining to educational initiatives, trends and development.

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