National Association of University Women
Tallahassee Branch

Tallahasse Branch History
The Tallahassee Branch of the National Association of college Women was organized in February 1957. Mrs. Bernyce H. Clausell, as local teacher, was inspired by Mrs. Lucinda Fox Ward, a relative and friend of New York City, who was at the time the First Vice President of the national organization.
An informational meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Lillie B. Davis, an instructor at Florida A&M University, to introduce the women who attended to the purposes and the possibilities of the organization.
The thirteen women who attended the organizational meeting became the founding members. They were:
Mrs. Selonia Blatch
Mrs. Bernyce Clausell
Mrs. Dorothy G. Holmes
Mrs. Mary Brooks
Mrs. Lillie B. Smith Davis
Mrs. M. Lucia James
Mrs. Marazine Brown
Mrs. W. Blanche Gavin
Mrs. Lucinda Lawrence
Mrs. Olivia P. Brown
Mrs. Millicent C. Holifield
Mrs. Lillie M. Ricks
A public recognition program was held one Sunday afternoon at Gethsemane Missionary Baptist Church at which time the Rev. J. Metz Rollins, Minister of the Trinity Presbyterian Church, gave the address and Mrs. Mary Riley, who had been a member of a Branch before coming to Tallahassee, conducted the induction ceremony.
The organizer and first president was Mrs. Bernyce Clausell. She gave enthusiastic leadership to developing a program that would perpetuate the purposes as espoused by the National Association of University Women and at the same time would fulfill a need for Black women of Tallahassee to be united and dedicated to constructive work in education, public and civic affairs, and human relations.
At the end of the first year and as the group celebrated its first anniversary, thirteen new members were inducted. Membership and programs have continued to grow until the Branch has become one of the largest Branches of the national organization.
Past Presidents
Rev. Bernyce Clausell* 1957 – 1960
Mrs. Mary Brooks* 1960 – 1962
Mrs. M. Lucille Williams* 1962 – 1964
Mrs. Blanche Gavin-Holmes* 1964 – 1966
Mrs. Vivian Brooks* 1966 – 1968
Mrs. Lessie Sanford 1968 – 1970
Mrs. Marie McCelvy* 1970 – 1972
Mrs. Dollie Franklin 1972 – 1974
Mrs. Irene T. Perry 1974 – 1976
Mrs. Ruth Corbin* ** 1976 – 1980
Mrs. Dorothy Inman-Johnson 1980 – 1982
Mrs. Ruth Corbin* ** 1982 – 1984
Mrs. Mary Austin* 1984 – 1984
Mrs. Clara Floyd-Gaymon 1984 – 1986
Mrs. Renalda Davis* 1986 – 1987
Mrs. Beulah Gregory 1987 – 1990
Mrs. Constance Long* 1990 – 1994
Rev. Edith Holiday-Austin 1994 – 1996
Mrs. Marilyn Anderson* 1996 – 1998
Dr. Nickie Beasley* 1998 – 2002
Mrs. Juanita Austin 2002 – 2006
Mrs. Beulah Gregory 2006 – 2010
Mrs. Jerry D. Gilmore 2010 – 2012
Mrs. Tarolyn Waymon 2012 – 2014
Mrs. Angelia Rivers 2014 –Present
**National President